Photo Journal // Maasai Mara

I've always known I love animals, but there was something amazingly special about being among them in the wilderness that I will forever consider one of the best experiences a person can have. I could have stayed out there for months, photographing these beautiful animals. So I decided to include a few of my favorites here.

Monkeys in Maasai Mara
Ox in Maasai Mara
Jackal in Maasai Mara
Antelope in Maasai Mara
Maasai Mara
Small antelope in Maasai Mara
Zebras in Maasai Mara
Animals together in Maasai Mara
Lions in Maasai Mara
Cheetah rolling around in Maasai Mara
Cheetah in shade in Maasai Mara
Giraffe eating in Maasai Mara
Giraffe laying in grass
Zebras and Giraffes in Maasai Mara
Elephant in Maasai Mara
Baby Elephant following Mama
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Ostrich in Maasai Mara
Hippo hiding in Maasai Mara

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