Playing with Gentle Giants // Nairobi, Kenya

TripAdvisor's #1 Attraction in Nairobi is the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust elephant sanctuary, and that's not without reason. Visiting these young elephants is definitely one of the most satisfying things to do in the city.

The elephant shelter is only open from 11-12pm daily, and there are 2 rounds of toddler (2-3 year-old) elephants that come out. The sanctuary sees quite a few visitors every day, so be sure to get there (at least 45 minutes) early to secure a spot at the rope. The best spot to stand (with the sun and everything) is probably directly across from where they walk in, close to where you enter.

But if you don't get there on time, don't worry, there's a second round of babies that come out. After the first group leaves, a second, slightly older group comes in.

They are still toddlers though, and they chase down their handlers for milk, then roam around the pen freely, eating food.

As everyone marvels at the elephants, the keepers delve into stories of how these elephants were orphans, usually rescued from poachers who killed their mothers for ivory. Because baby elephants depend on their mother's milk for their first two years of life, an orphaned elephant will not survive in the wild. Toward the end of their presentation, they tell you how you can adopt an elephant for only $50/year.

The people who work here are so passionate and genuine, and they have rescued and reintroduced over 200 elephants back into Tsavo National Park.

A baby rhino also lives on these grounds, but we didn't get to see him. Instead, we saw a number of warthogs looking for food.

The hour passes quickly, though, and soon, you'll find yourself saying farewell to these gentle giants.


Falling in Love with Giraffes // Nairobi, Kenya


The Story of Us Part 2 // He Put a Ring on It